GYROKINESIS® Cardiovascular Breathing Course Progression 2


The Gyrokinesis Cardiovascular Breathing Program, developed by Juliu Horvath, offers a path to respiratory health in uniquely designed progressions that allows each person to stay in the individual comfort zone while expanding the functional range with a sense of ease.

All circulatory systems of the human body are stimulated systematically, leading to an increase in the flow of blood, nutrients, oxygen and other gases, and as well as hormones to and from cells.

In the progression one course, the students learn the fundamentals of the movement and breathing patterns.

Length of the class format: between 45 to 60 minutes.

Program 2 builds up on Program 1.


– Cardio Vascular Breathing  Trainer P1

– Certified Gyrokinesis and or Gyrotonic Trainer

– valid teachers license

-Upon completion of the course, trainers who don’t already have a Gyrokinesis trademark license (only a Gyrotonic license) will be required to purchase and sign a Specialized Gyrokinesis Trademark License Agreement.

Course material:

–  every participant receives a manuel

– receives a QR code to look at the course video or/ and receives access to see the course video in the resource library

Conducted By:

Specialized Gyrokinesis / Gyrotonic Mastertrainer:  Anke Hauerstein


3 days/ 15 hours

Timetable (might change):

Friday:         12-15 h- 17h-19h

Saturday:     10-13      15-17 h

Sunday:       10-13      15-17 h


525,00 €
+ Studiofee 50,00 €

Course Location: ( might change)

Studio Anke Hauerstein


10965 Berlin

After successful completion:

– you are qualified to teach the Cardiovascular Breathing Program Progression 2
